Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The End

Well what can I say, it has been an experience and it took up a lot of time I don't think I ever managed to complete any task in one hour, and I was conscious of the time factor from the very beginning. However I am delighted that I managed to complete the entire 23 things. My favourites and what worked well for me were, Windows live messenger, Podcasts and Flicker, I will continue to use the Live messenger and I find it great, the podcast are fantastic before the Web 2.0 thingy I only ever heard about podcasts but never tried it out now I am podcasting regularly and catching up on all the programmes that I love and never get to hear during the day. I love Flicker, But I am a photograph person and have been putting photos on my PC for years and now I have learned lots of new things and its amazing what one can do definitely a thumbs up on this one. My least favourite was the online gaming I found it boring and definitely not something I would ever use again. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to experience the 2.0 web whether it is something I will use again or not I don't know but I am glad I know a little about a lot of things!!!!!!!!!!! Slán

Friday, June 5, 2009

Zoho writer google maps

I love Google maps I am travelling in California this Summer from San Francisco to Pine Mountain in Southern California, so I was able to check out the distance from A-B and see all the routes, as we want to drive the coast rather then the highway and stop off in all those really interesting places along the way Google maps is brilliant. And what about the street view isn't that fantastic I could see my brother's car parked outside his home in San Fran. Google maps for me is a definite thumbs up. I created a document in Zoho writer and send it to my blog and now I see it has arrived, but I found Zoho writer extremely slow It took several Mins. for the document to save and another few Mins. for it to send to my blog. You would want lots of time for this one I think? Don't know if I will use this again.

Zoho Writer

Here I am in my new Zoho writer, I wanted to have a look at this so I had to sign up. Don't know where I am going with it just yet, but will give it a try. I think I would need a lot of time to navigate around this site maybe I will get back to it again in the future.